PSLE Starts in -859.827824074 Days.
Is Your Child Ready?

The “AL1” intensive home revision kit that supercharges your child’s progress, helping them be laser-focused for PSLE.
KooBits PSLE Preparation Kit 2022
Limited to first 60 parents
Full Access to KooBits Math & Science Premium until last day of PSLE
With less than 10 weeks left until the final test, stop wasting time on useless less effective resources.
Let’s revise smartly and make the 6 long years of hard work in primary school count! Acing PSLE is all about focusing on what truly matters:
Maths Paper 1 and 2
Science Booklet A and B
  • Paper 2 word problems
  • Fundamentals
  • Heuristics
  • Open-ended questions
  • Misconceptions
  • Vocabulary/Keywords
KooBits is an online practice platform that prepares your child for PSLE Math and Science. Revise the syllabus set by MOE, target practise thousands of questions and skyrocket your child’s exam confidence.
Full Access to KooBits Math & Science Premium until last day of PSLE


Score 5-Mark Word Problems in Maths Paper 2

Most of the difficult questions set by MOE need students to think out of the box. This is where heuristics come into play.
Our Higher-Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) feature shows your child how to use heuristics to find new ways to solve tricky problems. We’ve broken down MOE’s heuristic syllabus into 12 distinct skills. Save time by skipping skills your child is already proficient in, and focusing on polishing unfamiliar ones.

All-In-One Maths Revision Kit

Replace ALL your assessment books and mock papers today. With 190+ top school worksheets and 100,000+ P1 to P6 questions in one place, there’s no need to rush out to Popular or chase fellow parents for help. And unlike assessment books, KooBits has animated tutorials to cut down revision time. These animations simplify concepts so kids can quickly learn and apply new skills.
KooBits is also flexible enough to prepare any child for the final stretch. Practise online to get instant feedback and spot errors before it’s too late. Print our exam-style papers and recreate an offline mock test at home. These are excellent ways to target weaker skills before exams.
Full Access to KooBits Math & Science Premium until last day of PSLE


Ace Tough PSLE Open-Ended Questions (OEQs)

What your child thinks is correct could be wildly different from MOE’s standards. This is why so many students struggle with OEQs, sometimes not even knowing where to start.
But in KooBits, we use a proven technique called “scaffolding”. Students learn in chunks, getting keywords and concepts right before taking on questions by themselves. This unique step-by-step way of learning, and the popular Claim-Evidence-Reasoning (CER) method makes OEQs more manageable and lowers your child’s frustration!

Stop Losing Marks from Missed Vocabulary and Misconceptions

Science vocabulary (previously known as “keywords”) are specific terms teachers look for in exams. Misconceptions are incorrect beliefs about science. Together they are the villains of many primary school students!
Let KooBits be your child’s sidekick: Watch animations to clarify misconceptions and practise questions to reinforce keywords. Instead of revising blindly, we target these common mistakes so students won’t repeat them during exams.
Full Access to KooBits Math & Science Premium until last day of PSLE
Frequently Asked Questions

No, KooBits is not online tuition. Instead, it’s an online platform that motivates kids to practise consistently. There are no tutors or in-person lessons. Students are free to learn by themselves for as long as they want to. This powerful way of learning boosts knowledge retention and naturally leads to more practice sessions than traditional methods. Some parents admitted their kids asked them for more practice time with KooBits too!

The kit gives you an online account with access to KooBits Math Premium + Science. Your child can use a tablet or computer to log in to the account to practise 100,000+ P1 to P6 questions or 190+ top school worksheets.

They can also watch animated tutorials for nearly every maths and science skill. There’s a reward system to motivate your child to revise every day. You will have full access to the account until the last day of PSLE.

If your child is stuck, our animated videos are just a click away. These animations are concise and effective in helping kids to visualise complex problems. Your child can play these videos anytime they need help. It’s like always having a patient and understanding tutor by your child’s side.

Parents can get help anytime too. There are QR codes embedded in the worksheets which you can scan to reveal detailed solutions and answers.

Yes, KooBits is a perfect supplement to your child’s tuition. KooBits helps your child to strengthen what they learn in tuition, so he or she gets even more out of the class. Instead of waiting for tuition to clarify doubts, your child can rely on KooBits for help anywhere, anytime too.

Yes, you can print out math worksheets and science open-ended question papers. We’ve designed the worksheets in the same format to look like MOE exam papers so your child can get used to it.

Yes! With this PSLE kit, you’ll upgrade the school math account to Premium AND get KooBits Science at the same time. This lets you enjoy all the Premium-only benefits of KooBits, including the Higher-Order Thinking Skills feature and top school worksheets.

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